How to setup the assignments repo locally and run the test cases?


1.Check node is available in your machine.using terminal!

node -v -->to check the node version

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 6.44.09 PM.png

2.If it is already installed go to step 4.if not.step 3

3.install nodejs from download nodejs and setup it.refer youtube video if required.

4.install the vs code and complete the setup .

5.install and setup the git locally.refer youtube video.

6.Go to assignments repo and copy the link.or download the .zip file and open it.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 6.52.07 PM.png

  1. open the terminal and use the command
git clone githuburl

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 6.58.58 PM.png

8 . do the following commands the file will open in the vs code or manually open it.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 7.01.02 PM.png

9 .Now vs code will be open 01-js file.Go to easy folder choose any problem .I choose anagram.js and solve it.