Advance Typescript APIs

In today's lecture, Harkirat delves into advanced TypeScript utility types such as PickPartial,  ReadonlyRecordExclude and the Map type, providing insights into their practical applications. Additionally, the lecture covered type inference in Zod, a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library, highlighting how these advanced features can enhance type safety and developer productivity in TypeScript projects.

Before diving into an advanced TypeScript API, it's important to have a solid understanding of the basics of TypeScript, especially when it comes to using it in a Node.js environment. Here's an elaboration on the prerequisites and a recap of the setup procedure for a TypeScript project.


To be prepared for the advanced TypeScript API module, you should:

  1. Understand Basic TypeScript Classes: Familiarity with how classes are defined and used in TypeScript, including constructors, properties, methods, and inheritance.
  2. Understand Interfaces and Types: Know how to define and use interfaces and types to enforce the structure of objects and function parameters.
  3. Experience with TypeScript in Node.js: Have experience setting up a simple Node.js application with TypeScript and understand how to run and compile TypeScript code.

The following code snippet is a test to check your understanding:

interface User {
	name: string;
	age: number;

function sumOfAge(user1: User, user2: User) {
  return user1.age + user2.age;

// Example usage
const result = sumOfAge({
	name: "harkirat",
	age: 20
}, {
	name: "raman",
	age: 21
console.log(result); // Output: 41

In this example, you should understand the following concepts:

(Note: The original output comment // Output: 9 seems to be a typo. The correct output should be 41 based on the provided ages.)