Building Medium

Up until now, our discussions have primarily revolved around theoretical concepts. In this lecture, Harkirat takes a practical approach by guiding us through the hands-on process of building a Medium like application

We'll be applying the knowledge we've gained so far, specifically focusing on implementing the frontend using React and the backend using Cloudflare Workers — creating a modern fullstack application.

While there are no specific notes provided for this section, a mini guide is outlined below to assist you in navigating through the process of building the application. Therefore, it is strongly advised to actively follow along during the lecture for a hands-on learning experience.

Step 1 — The stack

We’ll be building medium in the following stack

  1. React in the frontend
  2. Cloudflare workers in the backend
  3. zod as the validation library, type inference for the frontend types
  4. Typescript as the language
  5. Prisma as the ORM, with connection pooling
  6. Postgres as the database
  7. jwt for authentication (Cookies approach explained in the end as well)

Step 2 - Initialize the backend