In this lecture, Harkirat introduces the backend capabilities of Next.js, showcasing how it can be used as a full-stack framework. We cover data fetching techniques, loaders, API routes, and implementing sign-in and sign-up functionality with both frontend and backend components.

Backends in Next.js

Next.js is often referred to as a full-stack framework, meaning it can handle both frontend and backend code within the same codebase. This is a powerful feature that sets Next.js apart from traditional frontend frameworks like React.

1] Single Codebase for Frontend and Backend

One of the key advantages of using Next.js for backend development is the ability to have a single codebase for both your frontend and backend code. This approach simplifies the development process and reduces the overhead of managing separate codebases for the frontend and backend.

By having a unified codebase, developers can easily share code, utilities, and logic between the frontend and backend components of their application. This promotes code reusability and consistency, making it easier to maintain and scale the codebase over time.


2] No CORS Issues, Single Domain Name

In traditional web development setups, where the frontend and backend are separate entities, developers often encounter Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues. CORS is a security mechanism that restricts cross-origin requests from one domain to another, which can cause problems when the frontend and backend are hosted on different domains.

With Next.js, since both the frontend and backend are part of the same codebase and deployed together, there is no need to worry about CORS issues. All requests from the frontend to the backend are treated as same-origin requests, eliminating the need for complex CORS configurations.

Additionally, having a single codebase means that your frontend and backend can share the same domain name, further simplifying the deployment and hosting process.

3] Ease of Deployment

Another significant advantage of using Next.js as a full-stack framework is the ease of deployment. Since the frontend and backend code are part of the same codebase, you can deploy the entire application as a single unit.

Next.js provides built-in support for various deployment platforms, such as Vercel (the company behind Next.js), Netlify, and AWS Amplify, among others. These platforms offer seamless deployment workflows, making it easy to deploy your Next.js application with minimal configuration.

Furthermore, Next.js supports serverless deployment, which means you can deploy your backend code as serverless functions, taking advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of serverless architectures.