Introduction to DOM

In this lecture, Harkirat lays a solid foundation for the upcoming Frontend Lectures, covering crucial topics such as ECMA script, DOM manipulation, methods for backend interaction, and the importance of debouncing. This session serves as a foundation for a deeper understanding of front-end development principles.

ECMA Scripts

ECMAScript, often abbreviated as ES, is a scripting language specification that serves as the standard upon which JavaScript is based. Basically, consider them as a set of rules and guidelines that make sure JavaScript behaves in a certain way. It's like a manual that tells developers what features JavaScript should have and how it should work.

Auxiliary APIs

Auxiliary APIs, in the context of web development, refer to additional interfaces and functionalities provided by browsers or runtime environments beyond the core JavaScript language (as specified by ECMAScript). These APIs extend the capabilities of JavaScript, enabling developers to interact with various aspects of the browser environment or perform tasks that go beyond the language's basic features.

Here are some examples:

  1. Node.js APIs:
// Example using the Node.js fs module for file system operations
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
  if (err) {


  1. Third-Party APIs: