React Hooks

In this lecture, Harkirat explored essential concepts in React development, emphasizing the significance of a single parent component for efficient reconciliation and rerendering. The discussion delved into strategies for minimizing rerenders, highlighting the use of memoization with useMemo and the importance of keys in array iteration. The lecture also introduced the concept of wrapper components, showcasing their role in maintaining consistent styling. Furthermore, Harkirat provided insights into the choice between class-based and functional components, concluding with a brief overview of the useEffect hook. These insights offer a solid foundation for understanding core React principles.

React Returns

In React, a component can only return a single root element, commonly wrapped in a parent container (like a div). This rule exists because React needs a single entry point to render and manage the component's output.

Problem Statement


One of the most prominent reasons for it is Reconciliation. The single-root element rule in React facilitates the reconciliation process, where React efficiently updates the real DOM based on changes in the virtual DOM. By having a single root element, React can easily perform the comparison between the previous and current states of the virtual DOM.


Reconciliation involves identifying what parts of the virtual DOM have changed and efficiently updating only those parts in the actual DOM. The single-root structure simplifies this process by providing a clear entry point for React to determine where updates should occur.

In addition to reconciliation, it aids in maintaining a straightforward and predictable structure in React components, making the code more readable and understandable. This constraint encourages developers to create components with well-defined boundaries, which enhances code organization and modularity.

While a single root element is required, React provides a feature called fragments (<></> or <React.Fragment></React.Fragment>) that allows you to group multiple elements without introducing an extra node in the real DOM. Fragments don't create an additional parent in the DOM but still satisfy the single-root rule.
