Context API & Prop Drilling

In this lecture, Harkirat covers key concepts in React development, specifically focusing on routing, prop drilling, and the Context API. Routing is vital for managing navigation in React applications, while prop drilling and the Context API address challenges related to passing data between components. These insights provide essential knowledge for building well-organized and effective React projects.


React Routing

Routing in React is a mechanism that allows you to manage navigation and control the content displayed in your application based on the URL. It's essential for several reasons:

  1. Multi-Page Applications (MPAs): In traditional web development, navigating between pages required a full page reload. React, being a Single Page Application (SPA) library, loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates the content as users navigate. Routing enables SPAs to mimic the behavior of traditional MPAs by updating the view based on the URL.
  2. User Experience: Routing enhances the overall user experience by providing a seamless and dynamic interface. Users can navigate between different views or sections of your application without experiencing the delays associated with full-page reloads.
  3. Bookmarking and Sharing: With routing, each view in your React application can have a unique URL. This allows users to bookmark specific pages or share URLs with others, making the application more user-friendly and SEO-friendly.
  4. Code Organization: As your application grows, organizing code into separate components and views becomes crucial. Routing helps structure your code by associating components with specific routes, making it easier to manage and maintain.
  5. State Preservation: When users navigate between different views, routing helps preserve the state of the application. React Router, a popular routing library for React, allows you to pass parameters and state between different components based on the route.
  6. Conditional Rendering: Routing enables conditional rendering of components based on the current URL. Different components or views can be displayed depending on the route, allowing you to create dynamic and context-aware user interfaces.

To implement routing in a React application, developers often use libraries like React Router. React Router provides a set of components and functions to define routes, handle navigation, and manage the application's history, making it an essential tool for building robust and navigable React applications.

Some Jargons