
In this lecture, Harkirat explores Tailwind CSS, the go-to framework for frontend development. We've covered four crucial CSS concepts: Flexbox, Grid, responsiveness, and basic styling. To make things practical, Harkirat walks us through cloning a Dukaan Figma page using React and Tailwind CSS, giving us a hands-on experience to reinforce our learning.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of low-level utility classes to build designs directly in your markup. It follows a unique approach where styles are applied using classes in the HTML, eliminating the need for writing custom CSS. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks, Tailwind doesn't impose a predefined UI design, offering maximum flexibility.

Key Points:


Although CSS may seem very daunting and exhaustive to master. In reality, proficiency in a select few fundamental concepts is all you need to efficiently tackle a substantial portion of frontend development tasks in the practical world.

1] Flexbox