Recap Everything, Build PayTM Backend

In this lecture, Harkirat guides us through an end-to-end tutorial on building a comprehensive full-stack application resembling Paytm While there are no specific notes provided for this section, a mini guide is outlined below to assist you in navigating through each step of the tutorial. Therefore, it is strongly advised to actively follow along during the lecture for a hands-on learning experience.

It's important to note that this session primarily focuses on the backend section of the application. For the frontend portion, be sure to check out the content covered in the subsequent 8.4 lecture.

Step 1 - What are we building, Clone the starter repo

We’re building a PayTM like application that let’s users send money to each other given an initial dummy balance


Things to do

Clone the 8.2 repository from

git clone <>


Please keep a MongoDB URL handy before you proceed. This will be your primary database for this assignment

  1. Create a free one here -
  2. There is a Dockerfile in the codebase, you can run mongo locally using it.

Explore the repository

The repo is a basic express + react + tailwind boilerplate
