Recap Everything, Build PayTM Frontend

In this lecture, Harkirat guides us through an end-to-end tutorial on building a comprehensive full-stack application resembling Paytm While there are no specific notes provided for this section, a mini guide is outlined below to assist you in navigating through each step of the tutorial. Therefore, it is strongly advised to actively follow along during the lecture for a hands-on learning experience.

It's important to note that this session primarily focuses on the frontend section of the application. For the backend portion, be sure to check out the content covered in the previous 8.2 lecture.

Step 1 - Add routing to the react app

Import react-router-dom into your project and add the following routes -

  1. /signup - The signup page
  2. /signin - The signin page
  3. /dashboard - Balances and see other users on the platform.
  4. /send - Send money to other users


Step 2 - Create and hook up Signup page


If the user signup is successful, take the user to /dashboard